Our Goals
- To live a chaste life, moderating sexual pleasures to live in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church's teachings and traditions on chastity for our state in life.
- To fully accept and embrace the divine origin of human sexuality as a pure expression of love that is beyond our fallen human state, making our expression of sexuality a sacred task.
- To recognize the beauty and sacredness of the human body, as a Temple of the Holy Spirit, and avoid the objectification of any person for the sake of stimulating or exciting our sexual appetite.
- To reject all deviations of sexual conduct, as taught by the Church, including, but not limited to pornography, masturbation, illicit fantasy, promiscuity, fornication, prostitution, voyeurism, homosexuality, transgenderism, or contraception.
- To avoid the occasions of sin, especially regarding sexuality; practicing custody of the eyes and as much as possible, avoiding websites, locations, people, and behaviors that tend to lead us away from purity.
- To develop and continue a sacramental life in the Catholic Church, praying daily, receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist often, and reading and meditating on scripture and the writings of the church fathers.
- To support other men who share this endeavor, to refrain from judging others who struggle with chastity, to avoid scrupulosity, to attend meetings as often as possible in order to show solidarity with fellow men, to seek support in times of weakness, to show support in times of strength.